Friday, April 24, 2009

How can I intensify my jump rope skipping and lose more fat?

How can I intensify my jump rope skipping and lose more fat?

2 and a half months ago I weighed in at 186 pounds, 5'9. I got to a point where I said enough is enough and completelty overhaled my way of life. I stopped eating all forms of junk food: Soda, pizza, burgers, hot dogs, red meat , EVERYTHING bad. I also started exercising 3-4 days a week by jump roping for 25-30 minute sessions at a medium-high intensity level.
In the beginning my goal was to lose atleast 2 pounds of fat a week, and i usually lose 2-4 pounds. I'm at 152 pounds now and recently its been alot harder to lose the rest of the stubborn body fat.

I've tried increasing the intensity and shortening sessions, but then i read something about how that only makes you lose carbs not fat since its anaerobic.

My question: What is your advice to intensifying my jump rope sessions so i can lose the rest of the fat? Do you advise higher intensity and shorter sessions? Or should I stick with medium intensity longer sessions ( 30 minutes )

Thanks. rk says

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tanu Ka Blog

Rk says

So Soon New Comment My Big Brother
A Beautiful Mess ... Listed below are links to we blogs that reference be back oh-so-soon... : ... This prevents automated programs from posting comments

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